April 27, 2011

Life's little moments..

You know those moments when everything just seems perfect and you feel like if you just ride it out everything will just fall into place?

I enjoy those moments.

I have moments of clarity where ideas pop in and out of my head like waves and it seems like I could do anything, and then the next wave hits and I can't figure out a way to get that inspiration out and turn it to matter...

So much is in my mind, I am lacking the inspiration to turn it into the matter I crave to have.
Not only that but when I do find that inspiration, the matter isn't ever quite making it up to the standard that the mind is producing in thought.

Maybe I need to find a new focus point?

April 20, 2011

My world coming together?

Things are still a little lost in my world, and that is ok.

I need to find my way again,
I need to find my inspiration,
I need to realise my own dreams,
I need to discover what I want,

I want to be the best parent I can be.
I want to be the best person I can be.
I want to beable to say, hey I did this.
I want to say I am strong.

I don't want my world to crash down around me.
I don't want to feel weak and helpless
I don't want to rely on my children to get me through to the next phase.

I can do this, I will do this,
This will work out the best way it can.

Time.... it all takes time.